Yang Jeong-in, a talented idol from JYP Entertainment, is a prominent member of the K-pop sensation Stray Kids. Born in Busan, he has an older and younger brother and shares the stage with fellow band member Lee Felix. The group originated from a reality T.V. series in 2017, debuting with the hit single “Hellevator.”
Yang Jeong-in Early Life
Full Real Name | Yang Jeong-in |
Profession | Pop Singer |
Date Of Birth | February 8th, 2001 |
Age | 22 |
Birthday | February 8th |
Year Of Birth | 2001 |
Country | South Korea |
Ethnicity | Asian |
Yang Jeong-in was born on the month of February 8, 2001, in Sujeong-dong, Busan, South Korea. He is now 22 years old.
Yang Jeong-in Family
Brothers | 2 |
Yang Jeong-in, born in Busan, is the middle child with an older and younger brother.
Yang Jeong-in Zodiac Sign
Sun Sign | Aquarius |
Yang Jeong-in, an Aquarius, is known for his birth sign’s unique traits.
Yang Jeong-in Career
Yang Jeong-in, a talented idol from JYP Entertainment, is a member of the popular K-pop group Stray Kids. His journey to fame began with the reality T.V. series in July 2017, which led to the band’s formation.
Their debut single, “Hellevator,” was released in October 2017, making waves in the industry. Hailing from Busan, Yang has two siblings and shares the stage with fellow bandmate Lee Felix, among others in Stray Kids.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yang Jeong-in, known as I.N, the youngest Stray Kids member under JYP Entertainment, was once a model before entering music.
Yang Jeong-in, born on 8th February 2001, is currently 22 years old.
Yang Jeong-in, also known as I.N., is a K-pop group Stray Kids member, formed in 2018. The group comprises eight members: Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N.